Starting your burlesque journey - with Symphony Jay
”I want to dress up, do my best and then laugh at the end” - Symphony Jay
I hope you have been enjoying the (somewhat sporadic) catch ups and check ins with some students making their solo debuts or working through solo development.
I had the pleasure recently of hearing from Symphony Jay and hearing about her burlesque journey, and hearing that she was someone that was always drawn to dance - “drawn to the almost magical -ness of them (dancers) and always wanted to be like them, but never thought I could”
Symphony Jay
I am so pleased that she was able to take the step into the deep end - turns out that Symphony Jay had a friend taking up burlesque classes who found a community of friends, which sparked her interest in taking up burlesque.
“Don’t be scared to be over the top. You won’t look like anyone else on the dance floor so just be you - and enjoy what you doing”
Plus, as Symphony says, as “ the middle Child… which is a long way of saying - I have always enjoyed any opportunity to jump into the centre of attention. To do so in burlesque is a bit of a dream - like living out a fantasy dream life in which I get to be a dancer”
It is definitely different through living out that dream on stage in a group scenario, to doing a solo is really different. Symphony noted that, “…performing with the class and alone is - in my experience thus far a warm and empowering experience. I feel as though our classes, costume planning conversations, rehearsals and even the nervous laughter backstage are a part of a shared journey with other women all wanting to bring out the best in each other”
“ But getting a solo together is the party when you are also responsible for the menu, ingredients assembly and meal service … basically, it is like being the host at the best party of the year! “
It’s always interesting to see how different the process of performing a solo differs for artists compared to working in a group. It’s definitely a trial and error process for choreography and working out what works for you as an individual - but as Symphony points out, “If you want to try it - do it, Life is too short not to!”
I hope you enjoy seeing what Symphony Jay has developed to bring to the stage. It’s so exciting to see people realise their dreams.