Let’s change that to - I’m not good at that, yet”. Or to “I just haven’t learnt how to do that….yet”
Read MoreCatch up with emerging performer Symphony Jay as she prepares for her solo debut!
Read More“I’ve had to be strong and positive in my thinking and remind myself that I have every right to embrace my body and my sassy traits and to let these shine through in my solo.”
Read MoreBoobies come in all shapes, sizes. And so does our comfort level about how much of our breast we want covered (or not).
When I started performing I did make a lot of pasties because I was less comfortable revealing my skin. So I started making my own so that I could make quite large ones that covered more surface area.
Equally I know the reverse is true. Some of us only want small ones. Or maybe you just can’t find exactly what you want - or want to save yourself a bit of money and just have a crack at crafting a pair,
Here are some great resources on making your own titty tassels or pasties.
Read MoreIf you don't have anything nice to say, come and sit with Olive.
She is dark, salty, and will break your tooth if you are unlucky.
She enjoys long baths in fine vodka, and isn't afraid to get dirty.
She might be an acquired taste. Because not everybody likes olives - but don't worry, she doesn't like you either - Olive Allure
Read MoreRead More“There’s never going to be the perfect time to debut your first solo. You can spend so much time being wrapped up in your head trying to perfect it, that you put off performing. Don’t do this. Just get out on stage and give it a go! Also, don’t go chasing perfection, there is no such thing” - Velvet Butterfly
Approaching a producer or promoter is just one way of boosting your business and artistic opportunities.. But regardless of where you live, there ARE opportunities there - either existing or ones you can make yourself.
Get prepared and take some handy tips and tricks for making that approach as professional as possible.
Read MoreThese must be the most common questions and comments I get from potential students about coming into their first class or workshop. There’s sometimes so many misconceptions about burlesque that I think are worth addressing - especially if you had thought about coming along but had those little fears in the back of your mind.
Read MoreProps are used in burlesque for so many reasons.
To add drama or create visual splendor to a routine.
To have something to work and play off.
To add extravagance or that extra ‘gimmick’ to you routine.
Read MoreSo this isn’t a shady blog post aimed at anyone that has performed to Postmodern Jukebox.
As someone who produces burlesque shows - and that tries to be pretty encouraging to anyone starting their performing journey - one of the biggest frustrations can be a total overwhelming number of acts set to Postmodern Jukebox. So read on for some of the issues I have found, and for some great alternatives.
There is never a quick fix solution when you are feeling a bit down about performing. But for my ten cents worth there are a few consistent things that I do if I feel down about performing or super stressed. These aren’t going to be the most ground breaking things you have ever heard - but if you need a starting point it’s not a bad launch pad. The most important thing is to remember that everyone feels down about their burlesque career at some point.
Read MoreBurlesque and payment is always doing the rounds as a hot topic. There are always times where we regret decisions (almost instantly) when you go against your gut and perform at events that feel substandard or where you don’t feel valued....be it creatively or financially.
Read MoreOne of the biggest requests for advice that I get is around building up confidence (for new performers) or getting the 'mojo' back (for more established performers that had a few knocks to their self-esteem).
I often think about cultivating 'resilience'. A super wanky phrase, perhaps. But it’s not always about building up bullet proof confidence. But about how you set yourself back up when you have a knock back or feel rejected.
Here are my take home tips for helping you get a bit more resilient to the knocks of life. Some tough love, but also some practical advice
Writing an artist biography, introduction and CV can be a big struggle. When you have some time away from performing or teaching, it can be a good opportunity to take the time to build or revise these resources. If you are like me and it’s a really hated job - or you just don’t know where to start - I’ve pulled together some of the resources that have been helping me. Let me know how you go! .
Read MoreThinking of starting a new event? Before you click ‘publish’ on that Facebook event, I’m here to give you a low down on idiot proofing your event preparation. Here are my 5 top tips for getting you to making your event financially manageable.
Read MoreThe burlesque and live performance environment has changed massively in Tasmania and Australia in the last 12 years. I hear many problems from newer artists about the challenges in being booked. I’ve hosted a number of business- burlesque workshops over the years, and one of the pieces of advice that I consistently give is that you need to build and create your own opportunities. So on that thread, here are a couple of easy steps you can start to do to build up your opportunities!
Read MoreLast night I had the pleasure of hosting Alyssa Kitt on my Facebook page to lead our community through a fabulous online workshop - Feeling Down? Feel Yourself!
Alyssa took us all through a guided discussion and flow class, so that we can reconnect with our bodies and think about strategies to help us get a quick mood booster.
She’s also kindly shared a quick recap of her top tips for quickly feeling yourself and picking yourself up:
Essential reading for someone starting out in burlesque. Perfect for when the world is going crazy and we need to stay indoors! Consider this part one in a series - these are the core books that everyone needs to have had a browse of. Stay tuned for the second installment which will cover some less well known sources.
Read MoreSome great life tips if you find yourself needing to work from home. Please add your best hacks in the comments!
Read MoreInternational Women's Day (March 8) is a global day that marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. This week I’ve been reflecting on what this day means to me, and how I think burlesque can be so critical in challenging and changing stereotypes and biases for women.
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