Posts tagged blog
Stripping off the burden of expectations !

You wouldn’t wake up and run a 5km race. So don’t expect yourself to be able to dance every step right out of the gate.

I am part way through teaching a new series of burlesque courses, ranging from the traditional classic style through to some pinup and neo burlesque styles.

Every time I get underway and see a new and amazing group of students coming in the door, I am always reminded at how hard people can be on themselves.

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My 'go-to' burlesque poses that are super easy!

I definitely get asked about posing the body, and how you can make a dazzling impression.

Firstly, it’s all about the attitude. It doesn’t matter what pose or stance you take - you have to ‘attack’ it with the same level of delusional confidence of a certain presidential candidate.

And of course your burlesque alter ego and style is going to dictate a lot about the way you want to present yourself.

However, I always have some ‘go to’ positions that I share that make me feel pretty confident and comfortable on stage.

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My favourite stretch for burlesque performer tight hips ! (aka seated pigeon pose)

Today, I want to share with you some tips on a great stretch for tight hips. I feel like every burlesque student that comes through the doors struggles with tightness in the hips!

And we all know that feeling of tightness and discomfort in our hips - and especially after a long day of sitting! Or if you are starting your burlesque journey and using some different muscles you can feel a bit tight.

Seated pigeon pose is one of my favourite poses to bring some relief to those tight muscles.

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Burlesque boas - where to buy and tutorials to make them!

Feather boas are a timeless accessory that can add a touch of glamour to any routine and are pretty iconic burlesque accessories. Choosing and using a boa is a veritable minefield! There are different types of feather boas available - from vegan to ostrich, there are plenty of options to choose from. And plenty of tutorials for making your own!

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Reviewing and refining your burlesque act

Often when you are starting out in burlesque, it’s really common to want to rush to create a new act. It can be really helpful to focus on having one or two really polished acts - rather than a heap of undercooked performances. To do that you need to be able to give yourself the ‘feedback’ sandwich - building up your ability to give yourself helpful feedback!

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The things I wish I knew when I started performing

The things I wish I knew when I started performing. I wish I knew a lot of what I know now.

The $5 shows. The shows that 3 people turned up to. The outdoor performances where the wind below me away. They did all teach me some invaluable lessons. I wish I had some of this expertise – but I wouldn’t take back some of those opportunities.

If you don’t want to experience the outback burlesque experiences, please benefit from some of my learnings:

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My favourite at home movement channels!

As I write this draft, Southern Tasmania has entered it’s first snap, ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown since the first stage of the COVID pandemic hit our shores in 2020.

But it got me out of my normal safety net, of my regular yoga schedule, and my gym routine. And reminded me of some of the great tools I have been able to access since the pandemic.

Here are my favourite channels!

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Building up confidence and resilience - Practical tips

One of the biggest requests for advice that I get is around building up confidence (for new performers) or getting the 'mojo' back (for more established performers that had a few knocks to their self-esteem).

I often think about cultivating 'resilience'. A super wanky phrase, perhaps. But it’s not always about building up bullet proof confidence. But about how you set yourself back up when you have a knock back or feel rejected.

Here are my take home tips for helping you get a bit more resilient to the knocks of life. Some tough love, but also some practical advice

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