The audience needs to be only one component of measurement in burlesque. You can take some tips so that you don’t consistently measure your worth based on one show or one person’s feedback. It’s important to work in your own values and to set proper goals and opportunities.
Read MoreOne of the biggest requests for advice that I get is around building up confidence (for new performers) or getting the 'mojo' back (for more established performers that had a few knocks to their self-esteem).
I often think about cultivating 'resilience'. A super wanky phrase, perhaps. But it’s not always about building up bullet proof confidence. But about how you set yourself back up when you have a knock back or feel rejected.
Here are my take home tips for helping you get a bit more resilient to the knocks of life. Some tough love, but also some practical advice
Last night I had the pleasure of hosting Alyssa Kitt on my Facebook page to lead our community through a fabulous online workshop - Feeling Down? Feel Yourself!
Alyssa took us all through a guided discussion and flow class, so that we can reconnect with our bodies and think about strategies to help us get a quick mood booster.
She’s also kindly shared a quick recap of her top tips for quickly feeling yourself and picking yourself up:
Getting disenchanted and loosing some love for burlesque is really normal. Many performers have mini 'breaks' in their career. Taking some tips and time for self reflection and compassion for yourself is really important if you want to set yourself up for long term success!
Read MoreThe mental health, social, and work life balance have all improved dramatically. Switching off that inner voice and telling it to calm down, has completely shifted my attitude to burlesque itself. I'm more focused on acts that inspire me and delight me, and that I want to work on and build.
Read MoreEnjoy that spotlight and the attention that being on stage generates. But make sure your definition of success is driven by yourself.
Sounds simple, right? But if you need some tips on building self -approval, please read on!
Read MoreA conversation with Shaan Valentine on burlesque, managing endometriosis and launching her blog.
Read More“….By doing this really basic exercise you are not only working towards a process of self-affirming, but if you do a physical diary you will end up with pages of good shit that you have done. You can then look back on all the things you (yes YOU!) are proud of, which can be super positive when you have those moments of self doubt.”
Read More“… I’ve realised that the ‘surviving in burlesque’ and setting yourself up as a performer, is also about personal development; acknowledging the very real challenges that sit beneath the surface.
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